Besides our company’s own products. We also help clients to find suitable supplier (factory) for their other products. We can act as your purchasing office in China !
> You don’t know whether the supplier is a factory or trading company or even not a company.
> For the product quality, the supplier send you the good sample, but mass produced products may not be the same.
> If you want to inspect the goods before export, it cost time and money.
> You can not communicate in deep, quick way, and the communication period is too long due to the time difference.
> Many other problems.
> We are in china and much easier to visit and inspect the supplier and have more ways to know whether the supplier is a factory or not. Whether the supplier is a good company.
> If you want to insure the goods are ready and in good quality. You may need to go to the supplier, it cost big money and long time. We can help to visit the factory. And we are in China, and our cost for visiting the factory is much lower. If the first inspect leave much to be desired, we can communicate and have another visit.
> The supplier will not cheat you that goods are ready and in good quality but actually are not ready, as we are in China and can go to the factory quickly and inspect the goods.
> The suppliers will need to pay more attention to you, as we can help to change supplier in short time. For one products, we can get you several suppliers. Actually for each product, we suggest to have several suppliers one to buy from. And others reserved for future purpose.
> We can help to communicate with the supplier in deep and quick way, and can communicate in many details.
> We help in many other things if you need.
We only charge about 1% to 1.5% of the purchasing amount as our expenses (for order amount exceeds USD10000). And for the money for the goods, you pay directly to the supplier for the goods.
The commission do not include the travel expenses (to visit the supplier).
For the clients which already buy our company’s own products. We will charge less commission according to the amount the clients already buy from us. Please contact us for more information.
Industrial hose:
Suction & Discharge hose | Concrete pump hose | Slurry/Mud hose | Rotary vibrator/drilling hose | Peristaltic pump hose | Chemical hose | Food hose | Chock & Kill hose | BOP hose | Metal hose | Hammer union | Floating hose | Dredging hose | Floater | Silicon hose
Welding hose:
Oxgen hose | Acetylene hose | Propane/LPG hose | Twin line hose
Sandblast hose
PVC hose:
PVC steel wire reinforced hose | PVC helix suction hose | PVC layflat hose | PVC fiber reinforced hose | PVC garden hose | PVC air hose |
PVC welding hose | PVC transparent tube | PVC spray hose
Air/Water/Oil/Fuel hose:
Air/Water hose for smooth cover | Air/Water hose for wrapped cover | Hot water hose | Air brake hose | Jackhammer hoes | Oil/Fuel hose for | smooth cover | Oil/Fuel hose for wrapped cover | Water suction & discharge hose | Oil suction & discharge hose | Tank truck hose | Outer cotton braided fuel hose
Hydraulic hoses
Hydraulic fittings.
Industrial hose couplings
Hose & Tubing
Pipe, Welding & Tube Fittings.
And many other products in this industry.
Please just contact us for more information.